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325,000,000 litres of water saved so far through sales of deadstock💦

Blog — Fashion

Which big brands are becoming more sustainable?

Publié par Ryan Tindall le

With more and more pressure being put on brands to become more sustainable to help with the major waste problem in the fashion world, we took a look at some of the big brands who are already implementing procedures to become more green in their practises! 

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How much water is actually needed to make fabrics?

Publié par Ryan Tindall le

When we see those eye-catching clothes in stores made out of beautiful fabrics, we don't always think about the actual process of how it got there and what resources were needed to make them.

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Sustainable Fashion events in London

Publié par Ryan Tindall le

With London Fashion Week happening in just a few weeks time, around the city of London there are lots of different events happening to do with the fashion world.

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Circular Fashion - What is it?

Publié par Ryan Tindall le

You may have heard the term ‘Circular Economy’ mentioned quite a lot just recently, especially when it comes to fashion. But what doesthis actually mean in the fashion world?

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What is fast fashion?

Publié par Ryan Tindall le

Fast fashion is the term used to describe clothes that are inspired by recent style trends.

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