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325,000,000 litres of water saved so far through sales of deadstock💦

6 ways to up-cycle using deadstock fabrics ♻️

Publié par Ryan Tindall le

Using deadstock to make your pieces is a great way of incorporating a more sustainable practise into your work. When some people think of deadstock, they assume it's damaged or cannot be used - this isn't the case. Most of the time, the fabrics are sat waiting to go to waste as they have been over ordered, no longer wanted or they might not have been the right colour that was ordered. In some instances they may have slight defects, i.e. a mis-print or hole. If there are ever any defects to a fabric, we will always let you know! Anyway, this makes it even more unique!

As always, with deadstock there can be a limited amount left (as it will be the end of roll etc), so you should always bear this in mind when buying fabrics. We always make it clear how many are in stock. Some suppliers range from a few meters, all the way up to 100s of meters leftover.

Have you already started thinking about what you're going to up-cycle with your deadstock?! If you need some inspiration, we've put together a few ideas below for you!

Make a dress

American company Fauxgerty makes their entire collections out of low-impact and deadstock fabrics that would otherwise go to waste. Check out just some of the dresses they have created that have helped stop those fabrics from going to the landfill. In 2018 they up-cycled 1,500 yards of fabrics that would have otherwise gone to waste!

Make a pair of jeans

Most (if not all) of us will probably own or have owned a pair of jeans at some point in our lives. Why not next time make some yourself instead of buying another pair? Have a browse on Reformation to get some inspiration for your next pair! According to their site, 15% of their products are made out of deadstock!

Create a bag

Dorsu source their fabrics from factories in Cambodia who have over ordered and have excess fabrics left. Instead of allowing this fabric to go to waste, Dorsu then buy it to produce beautiful garments and accessories. One simple, but effective accessory is their large Tote bag. They create all of their products to last and not go out of style.

Why not make an apron?

For those who love been in the kitchen, why not make a sustainable Apron? 'Throw Me Down' is a London based company who make aprons out of sustainable and repurposed materials! Alongside this, any scraps that they have leftover, then they up-cycle these and create small bags!

Jackets inspiration

Tonle make all of their pieces out of fabric scraps which are then handwoven by talented weavers. The scraps generally come from the production of other garments. To factories and manufacturers these scraps would be classed as waste - but not for Tonle. Their jackets are sure to help you get in the creative mood!

Christopher Raeburn - a London based company, create pieces using surplus materials. One of their most iconic pieces is a jacket made out of old parachutes that have been repurposed! An amazing way of using something that would otherwise be defunct and of no use!

Make a jumpsuit

Christy Dawn prioritises using vintage deadstock in their designs. Based in LA, they make all of their pieces with longevity in mind. Since creating the brand they have continued to use deadstock, even as the quantities started to increase when they grew bigger.

What will you make?

Whilst this is just a small list of what you can do with deadstock, the possibilities are endless. 

Once you've made your pieces we love to see what you have been working on! We love to share with our followers any pieces made using deadstock fabrics off AmoThreads. Not only does this show off your amazing work, but also gives other designers that extra bit of inspiration!